Zainab Rasheed

Zainab as a medical student

Zainab as a child

  • Pronouns: she/her

    I’m currently an MS4 at Central Michigan University

  • Indian, Muslim, American

  • I always knew I wanted to help people, I just didn’t know how. I fell in love with anatomy through a physiology class I took in college. I started volunteering at the hospital and realized I found my budding passion. I found that physicians could use their knowledge and platform to educate others and advocate for patients. There’s so much room for advocacy in medicine. I continue to be passionate about women’s health and fighting to end health disparities.

  • I dislike feeling helpless and unable to provide care to people based on insurance coverage or financial resources. It is sometimes very challenging to be just one person trying to battle a huge system. Working one on one with patients helped me realize how important it is to fight for our patients and combat health disparities. I’ve realized that even if I can’t make systematic change, I can make a difference in one life. That can be just as important. Remembering that always renews my passion for medicine.

  • I’m interested because our patients are often disadvantaged and overlooked. PM&R’s goal is to restore function, dignity and quality of life. Our patients need strong advocates. I want to help build a platform where rehab physicians can come together to advocate for our patients and work on health disparities that directly affect them. I had a tough time navigating medical school and finding mentors in PM&R. I would like to make that process easier for others.

  • I am still trying to figure out what area of rehab I want to pursue, but I know I want to work in underserved communities.

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Last updated 02/2022

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